Life Lessons for 2023 Graduates: 5 to share with your child or grandchild

child grad graduate kid lesson life lessons parenting May 01, 2023

As the Class of 2023 prepares to graduate, it's an opportune moment to reflect on life's lessons. These insights, gained over my past 30 years, are not just for my graduating son but for all young minds venturing into the world. Life's lessons are often better caught than taught, and I invite every parent, grandparent, or influential adult to share their top 5 learnings with the graduates.

Exchange Your Expectations for Appreciation

Life changes instantly when you swap expectation for appreciation. Instead of fixating on what you expect life to bring, appreciate and notice the gifts bestowed upon you. People who cultivate appreciation are happier, more resilient, and better equipped to handle life's challenges. Finding the silver lining in your current situation fosters a positive mindset.

Make Choices Today That Optimize Tomorrow’s Opportunities

Live today in a way that enhances choices and health for tomorrow. Your agency is a gift, and your choices shape the freedom available to you. Opt for choices that increase options, opportunities, and health, providing yourself with the highest degree of freedom. Consider the long-term impact of your decisions, as they create a path to a better future.

Live To Be a Deeper Being... Not Just Having More Things

Life's depth isn't found in material pursuits but in relationships, growth, learning, service, and sacrifice. Skimming through life's shallows won't bring true satisfaction. Embrace deeper experiences by doing more, learning more, participating more, and sacrificing more. A life focused on these deeper aspects is more fulfilling and meaningful.

Attack Your Weaknesses by Leveraging Your Strengths

Your strengths are your unique contribution to the world. Embrace and exercise them, as happiness is often found in knowing and utilizing your strengths. Leverage your core abilities to take on the world, and you'll find success, ease, and fulfillment. Prioritize doing what you're really good at, as it leads to both success and passion.

Increase Your Security by Expressing Vulnerability

Contrary to building protective walls, embrace vulnerability to increase your security. Acknowledge your insecurities, admit when you don't know something, and apologize when needed. Express vulnerability openly, as it fosters authenticity and connection. By normalizing vulnerability, we pave the way for growth, healing, and peace.

As these graduates embark on their journey, may these life lessons guide them towards a future filled with purpose, resilience, and meaningful connections.


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