STARVED Assessment

S - Safety: We’re talking physically, socially, emotionally, financially, intellectually, and spiritually safe.

Do I feel safe with my partner?
Does my partner feel safe with me?

T - Trust: Can I can “trust” my partner’s character (integrity) and competency (ability) at being in a relationship with me?

Do you feel trusted by your partner?
Does your partner feel trusted by you?

A - Appreciation: My partner knows how I want to be loved and works hard to love me in my own way. I feel like my value with my partner is “appreciating”.

Do you feel appreciated by your partner?
Does your partner feel appreciated by you?

R - Respect: I feel like I am revered and respected by my partner. I sense they see me as someone special.

Do you feel respected by your partner?
Does your partner feel respected by you?

V - Validation: I feel heard and understood by my partner. They may not always agree with me, but they see my ideas as valid, legit and worth listening to.

Do you feel validated by your partner?
Does your partner feel validated by you?

E - Encouragement: My partner is my greatest cheerleader, supporter and champion. They know my heart, and are encouraging me to follow my heart.

Do you feel encouraged by your partner?
Does your partner feel your encouragement?

D - Dedication: I sense that my partner is committed to me in a deep, profound way, and that they will always have my back.

Do you feel dedication from your partner?
Does your partner feel your dedication?

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